How to Play

Tall Cup Rules

Prepare to embark on your quest to defeat Tall Cup! It is a challenge of competitive nature, underlying teamwork, and endless entertainment.


Setting up the Game

  • Place one Tall Cup in the center of a game-friendly table. The table must allow for accurate ping-pong ball bouncing, with enough room for the ball to bounce freely.
  • Evenly space players around the Tall Cup.
  • Designate a player to start the game.

Levels 1-8

  • Each player will get 2 attempts at bouncing a ping-pong ball into the Tall Cup. The ball must bounce (at least once) on the table first in order to count and the ball also must come to rest inside the Tall Cup.  If the ball bounces out, it does not count.
  • If the player's 2 attempts fail, their turn is over and the ball passes to the left.
  • If 3 consecutive players make the Tall Cup during their attempts, LEVEL UP!  Flip the cup over and add a Tall Cup onto the first to increase the difficulty to Level 2.
  • Continue playing levels 2 through 8 using rounds which require 3 consecutive players to make the Tall Cup in order to level up. Keep turning and stacking! Make that Tall Cup tall!

Levels 9-12

  • Due to difficulty, only 2 players are required to make consecutive attempts to level up during levels 9 -12.

Anchor Shot and Making Rules

  • The "Anchor" is the player whose attempt could beat a level, causing the cup to become taller.
  • If the Anchor makes their first attempted shot clean (no volleys), they are entitled to make a rule which stays in effect for the entire next level (examples: Talk like a pirate, shoot with your off-hand, dance after every successful attempt, thumb-master, etc).
  • If someone breaks the rule during the round, they should be punished accordingly.
  • The rule is over once the level has been conquered.


  • On a missed Tall Cup attempt, the ball can be volleyed by the players in order to assist the shooter and help put the ball into the Tall Cup. However, the ball must strike the table at least twice during the attempt before any other player can touch the ball.
  • This volley is not to be a carry, and must be slapped, tapped, or pushed with a single touch.
  • The ball does not have to stay in the air during volley. It may bounce off table, cups, etc. 
  • The original shooter cannot be the first player to volley the ball after the initial shot, and no player may volley twice in a row. 
  • Bodying” - keeping the ball on the table without using hands/arms, is not considered a volley and is an acceptable means to keep the ball in play, even if the last volleying player is the same player to "body", or vice versa ("body" to volley). Using head, chest, shoulder, knees, belly, feet are all considered "bodying". 
  • If the Players successfully volley the ball into the Tall Cup, the original shooter is credited with a successful shot attempt (but if they are the Anchor, no rule is to be made for the next round) and play continues to the left.
End of Attempt
  • Ball hits the floor (The ball may bounce off other objects in the room and still be active as long as it does not hit the floor).
  • Same player volleys the ball twice in a row.
  • Ball comes to rest on the table. (The ball may roll off the table under it's own power and volleying may commence).
  • Ball lands in a landmine (see below).

Beating Tall Cup

  • Once all 12 cups have been stacked and two consecutive player attempts are successful, you have beaten the Tall Cup and you are now Champions!

Tall Cup Beats You

  • Keep an eye on whose last attempt was successful... If the ball goes around the table twice with no successful attempts made, you have been defeated by the Tall Cup and the game is over!

Landmines (Extra Difficulty)

  • Each "active" player should place a cup (landmine) within 1 foot of the Tall Cup in the center. (Instead of putting your own beverage in your landmine, we recommend putting a few ounces of water for sanitation purposes). DO NOT DRINK THE BALL.  We are not liable for acts of stupidity.
  • You are only allowed to move your own landmine before the attempt starts. If it is your turn, it is highly recommended you move your own landmine out of the way.  Once the ball is in play, the landmines stay put!
  • If the ball lands in a landmine, that player must take a drink and the attempt is over.
  • If you level up, all players drink!
  • If you knock over the Tall Cup, you are to be shamed mercilessly and must clean up any spills/messes it causes, and kill your drink. 
  • Keep a roll of paper towels handy and be ready for anything!
  • The more players you add, the more fun (and difficult) the higher levels can become. If you need to leave the game (for bathroom or a break) take your landmine off the playing surface and return it between attempts.